Monday 22 November 2010

We had to leave out and change several scenes or else the opening would go on for more than 2 minutes and that is our maximum time.
The scenes we left out are:

  • The girl putting her ipod on.
  • Getting ready to leave.
  • Changing the dog barking to some twigs snapping.
  • Dizziness looking at the dog
  • Dog barking at something at isn't there.
  • Creature staring at dog.
  • Dog runs away
  • Looking for dog.
  • High shot from the trees.
  • POV of creature looking at girl.
  • Creature passing through girl.
  • Creature running past screen.
We moved some around and put them in a different order so the story will make more sense and be easier to follow.


  1. What effect will these omissions have upon your narrative?

  2. These may prehaps leave a few blind spots for the audience, and they may not fully understand the plot, but this will only add more suspense to what the film would develope into if we were to make the whole thriller.
