Saturday 29 January 2011

Narrative Theories

Propp, Todoror, Bathes and Levi- Strauss all have different theories about narratives and they are:

Levi- Strauss - Binary Opposites

That each genre of film and television all has an opposite, for a contrast to set the story; without this there would not be much of a story. 
  • Wilderness - Civilization
  • Space - Earth
  • Good - Evil
  • Male - Female
  • Hero - Villain
Barthes - Action & Enigma Codes

Barthes said that there are two ways to keep suspense in a film, the action and the enigma codes.

Action: Events on the screen which leave the audience thinking about what will happen next, they do not know what is following thus creating suspense. 
Enigma: Something which makes the audience question what is happening/going to happen.

Todorov - Narrative Structure

Todorov says there is a structure in five parts which is how all films are set out;
1.     Starts with an equilibrium (everything is normal)
2.     A disruption takes place
3.     The disruption is attempted to be solved, but fails.
4.     The disruption gets solved.
5.     The equilibrium is back to normal, but because of the previous events it has been changed.

Propp - Folk Tales & Character Types

Propp said that there were eight types of character which apply to a narrative:

1.      The villain/antagonist - Bad character
2.     The hero/protagonist  - Someone who saves the day. Does not always have to fit conventions such as male and brave.
3.      The donor - Character that provides hero with useful infomation ect.
4.      The helper - Aids the hero throughout
5.      The princess - The reward at the end, object of villains scheme. Not always a female.
6.     The father figure  - Provides support. Not always male.
7.      The dispatcher - Makes the hero start their quest.
8.      The false hero - Appears good but is actually an undercover bad person.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent summary Holly. Make sure you reference your sources.
