Wednesday 29 September 2010

Last week we starting shooting our prelim tasks in small groups, we had a rough draft of what my group was going to do but then got a bit carried away and made a whole new one as we went along! We were in the drama room and found quite a few props to use which was quite good. It all went smoothly considering we had never used the equipment before, and we different kinds of shots to show the scene such as; long shots, mid shots, close ups and points of view.

We then uploaded it onto a mac and began editing, today we finally finished and it's turned out pretty well! We also added sound effects, music and some text to one shot. iMovie was quite simple to use most of the time, but a little fiddley in places but we managed to get the hang of it and do all of the things we wanted to add to our video.

Thursday 16 September 2010

Analysing Film: Terminology

They use a many number of ways to film things, lots of differnt camera shots such as; over the shoulder, point of view, close up, long shos, wide angles, establishing shots and others which are similar to these. High and low angles are also used to make the character of the shot seem either vunerable or over-powering.

There is also several ways to move about with your shot, you can pan, tilt, zoom, steadicam, track, dolly, hand-held or just hold with your hands (though it can wobble a bit so this is best used for point of views).
Composition is very important, you have to make sure it's right so the shot will look better and drag your attention more, framing the subject or object is a way to do this, also using the rule of thirds, and the depth of field.

You have to be careful when you edit things because there could be errors that affect the whole scene. Continuity is an important one, the things have to stay the same in the shots or the viewer will notice and that would be bad editing. Cutting across to other people has to be done right as well, you could cut it too much and miss out an important part of the footage.
Also, to add other things such as transitions could greatly help (or ruin) the feeling of the film. You could show a new scene by dissolving it in, or fade-in, fade-out, wipe, superimpostion, long and short shots and visual effects.

Sound is a main factor in films, music can change the mood of the whole film, as can the sound effects. The words much match the mouths, and the music must match the subject of whats going on in the film. If it was a dramatic, thrilling part to a film you wouldn't start playing something by The Beatles, you'd have a tense piece of instumental music.

My media blog.

Hey, I'm Holly and this is my blog for media studies. I will be post about films, tv shows and all sorts and also making my own thriller opening, so here you will see my progress on this throughout my media course.